Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back again

Well here I am back again after not posting for a long time. Just got home from a basketball game and not ready to go to bed yet.
I rained today and started cooling down, had a storm last Sunday that blew down a tree in my yard and discovered that there is a hornets nest in it. Actually Kylie discovered it there when she got stung. Going to save trhe nest and cut the tree up .

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Valentines Day just another day when you work shift work.
Got her a stuffed animal.

We had a pork shoulder last night with my Chipotle rub in it and injected with hot wing sauce, it was tender and good!
Supposed to get up to 40-45 degrees today. Spring is right around the corner. been thinking about getting the John Deere mowers ready.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finally getting a day off work, cold out with snow flurries but I don't care, not going to work today.
Got to items ready to ship that I sold .

Monday, January 28, 2008

great day outside

Nice warm day yesterday and today, supposed get back to winter tomorrow. Had the house open yesterday, nice to have fresh air in the house.

Made a fresh batch of chipotle seasoning and had some on pork chops, they were great.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Nice bunch of freebies I found

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